THE LITHUANIAN MARITIME ACADEMY IS a unique and the only higher education
institution in the country with a long-term experience in the field of international training of seafarers

Lithuanian Maritime Academy (LMA) is a modern leader training maritime professionals for our and international maritime sector and a member of the global maritime and academic community. This constantly improving institution trains highly qualified specialists that meet international standards for the sea and ports in Lithuania and the World. The maritime academy that everyone knows and recognizes is at the same time always changing, offering numerous maritime study programmes, scientific and cultural ideas and projects. Initiative, innovations, openness, maritime culture and traditions – these are the major characteristics of the modern-day activity.
LMA vision
LMA – a modern higher education institution that provides internationally recognized study programmes. In the Baltic region, it is the leader in the field of training specialists for the industry of maritime and inland water transport.
LMA mission
To prepare highly qualified specialists of maritime and inland water transport industry for successful professional activities and careers in the national and international industries of water transport, basing studies, non-formal adult education and continuing professional training on maritime culture and traditions, while instilling respect for democratic values, responsibility, and leadership.
Change, improvement, new competencies – these are the principles of studying at LMA!