The Lithuanian Maritime Academy, promoting the mobility of students, lecturers, and employees of LMA, is developing the partnership network of the Erasmus+ programme.

No. | Name of the foreign higher education institution | Country | Website |
1 | Karel de Grote University College | Belgium | www.kdg.be/international |
2 | Antwerp Maritime Academy | Belgium | https://amacademy.be |
3 | University of National and World Economy (UNWE) | Bulgaria | www.unwe.bg |
4 | Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy | Bulgaria | http://www.naval-acad.bg/en/ |
5 | Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences | Czech Republic | www.fd.cvut.cz |
6 | Estonian Maritime Academy of ETU | Estonia | https://taltech.ee/en/ |
7 | University of La Laguna | Spain | http://www.ull.es/ |
8 | University of Almeria | Spain | http://www.ual.es |
9 | University of Cadiz | Spain | http://www.uca.es |
10 | University of Granada | Spain | https://sites.google.com/view/erasmusfccee |
11 | University of Huelva | Spain | https://www.uhu.es |
12 | University of Malaga | Spain | https://www.uma.es |
13 | University of Oviedo | Spain | https://www.uniovi.es/ |
14 | University of Vigo | Spain | https://www.uvigo.gal |
15 | Universita Degli Studi Parthenope Di Napoli | Italy | https://www.internazionalelingue.uniparthenope.it |
16 | University of Rijeka | Croatia | https://uniri.hr/ |
17 | University of Zadar | Croatia | https://www.unizd.hr |
18 | University of Split | Croatia | https://www.unist.hr/ |
19 | The University College of Economics and Culture | Latvia | https://www.augstskola.lv/ |
20 | Riga Technical University Latvian Maritime Academy | Latvia | https://www.rtu.lv/en |
21 | Riga Technical University Liepaja Marine College | Latvia | https://ljk.lv/ |
22 | Gdynia Maritime University | Poland | http://www.am.gdynia.pl/en/ |
23 | Maritime University of Szczecin | Poland | http://www.wsm.szczecin.pl |
24 | Powislanski University | Poland | https://psw.kwidzyn.edu.pl/ |
25 | The Higher School of Management Personnel | Poland | https://www.wskm.edu.pl/english |
26 | Silesian University of Technology | Poland | https://www.polsl.pl/ |
27 | Warsaw University of Technology | Poland | www. pw.edu.pl/ |
28 | University of Ljubljana | Slovenia | https://www.fpp.uni-lj.si |
29 | University of Le Havre Normandy | France | https://www.univ-lehavre.fr |
30 | ISCID-CO (DUNKERQ) | France | https://www.iscid-co.fr/en/ |
31 | Escola Superior Náutica Infante D. Henrique (ENIDH) | Portugal | https://www.enautica.pt/ |
32 | Aland University of Applied Sciences | Finland | https://www.ha.ax/en |
33 | South- Easten Finland University of Applied Sciences | Finland | https://www.xamk.fi |
34 | Novia University of Applied Sciences | Finland | https://www.novia.fi/ |
35 | Constanta Maritime University | Romania | https://cmu-edu.eu/en/ |
36 | Mircea Cel Batran Naval Academy | Romania | https://www.anmb.ro |
37 | Kalmar Maritime Academy (Linnaeus University) | Sweden | https://lnu.se/ |
38 | Karadeniz Technical University | Turkey | https://www.ktu.edu.tr/en |
39 | Recep Tayyip Erdogan University | Turkey | https://erdogan.edu.tr/ |
40 | Kocaeli University | Turkey | http://www.kocaeli.edu.tr/int/ |
41 | Mersin University, Maritime Vocational School | Turkey | https://www.mersin.edu.tr/ |
42 | Istanbul Technical University | Turkey | https://www.itu.edu.tr/ |
43 | Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University | Turkey | https://www.itu.edu.tr/ |
44 | Piri Reis University | Turkey | https://www.pirireis.edu.tr/ |
45 | Yalova University | Turkey | https://yalova.edu.tr/ |
46 | Istanbul Gelisim University | Turkey | https://gelisim.edu.tr/ |
47 | University of Applied Sciences Technology, Business and Design Wismar Department of Maritime Studies | Germany | https://www.hs-wismar.de/ |
No. | Name of the foreign higher education institution | Country | Website |
48 | Batumi Navigation Teaching University | Georgia | www.bntu.edu.ge |
49 | Batumi State Maritime Academy | Georgia | www.bsma.edu.ge |
50 | South Tyneside College | United Kingdom | https://www.stc.ac.uk/ |
51 | University of Montenegro, Maritime Faculty of Kotor | Montenegro | http://www.pfkotor.ucg.ac.me/en |
52 | Holly Cross of Davao College | Philippines | https://www.hcdc.edu.ph |
53 | University of Belgrade | Serbia | https://www.bg.ac.rs/ |
54 | Kherson State Maritime Academy | Ukraine | https://ksma.ks.ua/?page_id=284&lang=en |
55 | Lviv Polytechnic National University | Ukraine | http://www.lp.edu.ua |
56 | State University Infrastructure and Technologies (Kyiv State Maritime Academy) | Ukraine | https://duit.edu.ua/ |
57 | National Technical University „Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute“ | Ukraine | https://www.kpi.kharkov.ua/ukr/ |
58 | Poltava University of Economics (PUET) | Ukraine | http://www.puet.edu.ua |
59 | Odessa National Maritime University | Ukraine | https://onmu.org.ua/ |
60 | KARSHI Engineering – Economic Institute | Uzbekistan | http://www.qmii.uz |
61 | National Taiwan Ocean University | Taiwan | http://www.ntou.edu.tw |