Klaipeda Conference: New challenges in the maritime industry, Maritime professionals meet and experience exchange, Networking and Meetings of the new and existing
Date and time: Thursday, October 17, 2024; 1–5 PM EEST. Doors open at 12:30 PM
Location: Lithuanian Maritime Academy, Aula Magna, room 210, I. Kanto str. 7, LT–92123, Klaipėda
12:30–13:00 Welcome coffee. Room 201.
13:00–13:05 Welcome speech by the event hosts
Vaclav Stankevič, Director, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Lithuanian Maritime Academy
13:05–13:10 Welcome speech by the event organisers
James Luetchford, MNI, Member Engagement Manager, The Nautical Institute, UK
13:10–13:20 Lithuanian Maritime Policy establishment (online)
prof. dr. Valdas Rakutis, member of Lithuanian Parlament, Chairman of the Maritime Affairs Committee
13:20–13:40 The new opportunities of Lithuanian maritime academy.
assoc. prof. dr. Justas Žaglinskis, Vice dean for science and infrasstructure, Lithuanian Maritime Academy.
13:40–14:00 Offshore wind industry installation in the Baltic Sea
Vaiva Indilaitė-Girtzė. Stakeholder and communities manager Curonian Nord, AB Ignitis representative.
14:00–14:20 Crewing business issue in Lithuania
Artūr Truš, CEO/Managing Director, OJ Crew Group
14:20–14:40 Certification and recertification of seafarers
Janis Sticenko, MNI, Director of Customers Connections, NOVIKONTAS Maritime College & Novikontas Energy
14:40–15:00 Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies: adapting to constant change
Robertas Valantiejus, Executive Director of the Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies
15:00–15:20 Changes of the Lithuanian maritime education and training system
Rima Mickienė, MNI, Vice dean for studies, alumni and partnership, Lithuanian Maritime Academy.
15:20–16:00 Discussion & Networking, room 201.
Contact person: Rima Mickiene, +37069911245, baltic.branch@nautinst.org; rima.mickiene@vilniustech.lt