Digital resourses


VILNIUS TECH Library E-resourses

The databases include e-books, scientific articles, conference proceedings, standards, statistical, analytical and other information relevant to studies and research.

The VILNIUS TECH community has access to 38 licensed databases.

Access: the content of all databases can be accessed from a personal computer connected to the VILNIUS TECH computer network via VPN. When connecting to the VPN service, two-factor authentication (i.e. confirmation in the mobile device application or by a call) is additionally required for security reasons.

Maritime Science Reading Room E-resourses

The digital resources can be used at all LMA computerized workstations, connecting without passwords. Remote access is possible by connecting through the LMA VPN network. Instructions on how to connect can be found by clicking the link

EBSCO Publishing – database package. Full-text scientific journals covering various scientific fields are provided.

Taylor&Francis – contains scientific journals published by the Taylor & Francis publishing group on biology, agriculture, food technology, computing, business, finance, economics, education, social work, sports, cultural heritage, art, tourism, medicine, linguistics, literature, and other subjects.

Taylor & Francis eBooks – Full Text Electronic Books. You can also find books in the LMA Virtual Library. To read books purchased by the LMA library, you must create a personal account.

Springer Journals – database contains full-text scientific journals of the publishing houses Springer Verlag and Kluwer Academic Press in biomedicine, clinical medicine, natural sciences, physics, mathematics, engineering, computing, humanities and social sciences.

Emerald Engineering eJournals Collection – database contains full-text journals in engineering science.


Scientific publications

Information system of the Lithuanian academic digital library (eLABa). eLABa PDB LMA scientific publications are registered in the eLABa PDB database. More information about eLABa can be found by clicking the link.

Lithuanian science journals

The list of Lithuanian scientific periodicals with additional details provides information only about peer-reviewed publications: access to the publication, link to the website, ISSN, publishers and lists of international databases in which the publication is referenced. You can find a list of Lithuanian scientific periodicals by clicking the link.

Educational material

Training modules for use of digital resources of scientific information. The implementation of the project ‘eMoDB.LT3: opening of digital scientific databases to Lithuania – the third stage’ aims to provide the opportunity for scientists and other researchers to independently develop their abilities to use international digital scientific databases. You can find the training modules by clicking the link.

Open access

Open access is free Internet access to published global scientific information resources. For more information on open access, click the link.

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