LMA dormitory address and map link:
Karklų st. 2 / Kalvos st. 8, LT-92242, Klaipėda
LMA dormitory manager
Phone: +370 46 410 242
VšĮ Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
(Bank accept name in Lithuanian only)
Registration code of Legal Entity: 190968670
Address: I. Kanto str. 7, LT-92123 Klaipeda
Bank: “Swedbank”, AB
IBAN: LT69 7300 0100 0245 9025
Payment purpose: student’s full name, dormitory fee
It is comfortable to stay at LMA Dormitory because:
- It is in the center of Klaipėda town, near LMA.
- 12-store building, renovated, with elevator;
- Each floor has 6 residential units and a kitchen;
- The unit has 2 rooms – double and triple, separate shower cabin and WC;
- Each dormitory room has furniture for individual use (bed, table, chair, closet, and refrigerator);
- Free Wi-Fi is available;
- There are separate spaces for studying and leisure;
- There is a self-service laundry where washing and drying machines can be used free of charge;
- There is a bicycle storage room;
- The dormitory is equipped with a video surveillance system;
- Common areas are cleaned several times a week;
Application for dormitory room
A responsible employee will contact the applicant by phone or email as specified in the form, within 2 working days after filling out the application.
- Dormitory deposit payment – 160 Eur (80 EUR deposit + 80 EUR first month fee)
- LMA students: 80-135 EUR/month;
- For course attendees staying up to 15 days: 20 EUR/day;
- For course attendees staying for 16 days or more: 190 EUR/month;
- For students of other higher education institutions: 90-160 EUR/month;
- For all residents who enter into a lease agreement for more than 1 month, the deposit is equal to the cost of one month’s fee;
- A student who wishes to keep a place in a dormitory during summer vacation or internship pays a fee of EUR 40.00/month. This service is available only if the dormitory is not fully occupied;
- Payments for room rent are made by the 25th of the month;
- If the payments are not paid on time, late interest is charged;
- Additional fees are charged for the damage caused to the property of LMA and LMA dormitory.
The internal rules of the dormitory of the LMA regulate the rules of behavior of the dormitory’s residents and guests.
The rules also regulate the procedure for accommodation and eviction of residents and other issues related to the dormitory and its residents.
Attention should be drawn to Paragraphs 31 and 32 of the LMA dormitory rules:
- Residents who plan to move out of the dormitory must notify the dormitory manager in writing about the termination of the accommodation agreement with 3 days’ notice.
- When moving out of the dormitory, the resident must pay all fees, vacate and hand over the neat living quarters, inventory, room keys, and magnetic door access key to the dormitory manager.
- Residents who move out of the dormitory without written notification and without handing over the keys to the living quarters and the room will continue to be charged the accommodation fee specified in the agreement, the accrued debt will be forwarded to the lawyer.