From April 29 to May 3, 2024, Lithuanian Maritime Academy (LMA) proudly extended its academic horizons under the Erasmus+ program, demonstrating a commitment to fostering international educational exchanges. This period marked a significant collaborative effort between LMA and Czech Technical University in Prague, specifically focusing on the exchange of knowledge and teaching methodologies in specialized engineering and mathematics disciplines.
Head of study program Marine Electrical and Electronic Engineering Associate Professor Dr. Gintvilė Šimkonienė, who specializes in the reliability of shore and ship electrical networks, conducted a series of lectures at the Czech Technical University’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Her presentations centered on „Reliability and Sustainability in the Distribution Networks“ of the Czech Republic and Lithuania. This topic is crucial, considering the growing demand for sustainable and reliable energy solutions in today’s environmentally conscious world. Dr. G. Šimkonienė’s insights into the energy systems of high-voltage ships and their rigorous requirements provided valuable knowledge to students, enhancing their understanding of international standards and practices in electrical engineering.
Simultaneously, Lecturer Rasa Nutautienė shared her expertise at the Czech Technical University’s Faculty of Mechanics, Department of Applied Mathematics. Her lectures on „Application of Derivatives in Problems of Real Content“ bridged theoretical mathematics with practical applications, highlighting the vital role of mathematics in solving real-world problems. Her teaching not only enriched the students’ academic experience but also emphasized the practical utility of mathematical concepts in engineering and technology.
The participation of LMA’s academic staff in the Erasmus+ program highlights the institution’s dedication to academic excellence and its role in cultivating a global educational environment. This initiative not only benefits the faculty by exposing them to different teaching environments and academic challenges but also enriches the students’ learning experience by offering diverse perspectives and expertise.