The LMA Maritime Science Reading Room contains an outstanding maritime collection of print and electronic books, journals, and databases that support research and teaching. 


Lending services

Only members of the Lithanian Maritime Academy community can order and borrow publications at home. The loan status of an item is indicated in the section “Locations and Requests” of the  Virtual Library. Some items are to be read in the reading rooms only, the others have a certain loan period varying from 1 day to 1 semester. Loan periods are usually determined by the librarians. The students can use the Lithuanian Student Identity Cards (LSIC) and the International Student Identity Cards (ISIC) (hereinafter — Student Card) as library cards. All borrowers must use their Student Card/Identity Card each time a loan is made.

Loans and Reservations

Most of the latest (recent) items are freely accessible on open shelves. The LMA students can borrow (or book for later usage) books and other items from the Library’s collection. Readers can search and order publications via the LMA  Virtual Libraty.

Renewal of Loans

The renewals can be made via the LMA Virtual library’s website; you can also renew your loan by telephone, e-mail or visit library information desk.


All borrowed items must be returned before the end of the loan period. The students who are about to graduate from the Lithuanian Maritime Academy or to terminate their studies have to close their library accounts: to return all the borrowed items, to replace the lost items if there are any.

 Information services

Information services are provided by phone  No. +370 46 397262, by e-mail or visit library information desk.

Paid services

Web self-service Copying, Printing and Scanning System. 


  • A4 black and white – 0,06 €
  • A4 colour – 0,15 €
  • A3 black and white – 0,12 €
  • A3 colour – 0,30 €
  • Scanning of one page (colour or black/white) costs 0,01 €

In the LMA Maritime Science Reading Room, you can buy books published by the LMA and souvenirs with the attributes of the Academy.


The databases include e-books, scientific articles, conference proceedings, standards, statistical, analytical and other information relevant to studies and research.

The VILNIUS TECH community has access to 38 licensed databases.

Access: the content of all databases can be accessed from a personal computer connected to the VILNIUS TECH computer network via VPN. When connecting to the VPN service, two-factor authentication (i.e. confirmation in the mobile device application or by a call) is additionally required for security reasons.

LMA Maritime Science Reading Room E-Resourses

The databases are available to all LMA members through LMA computer network or from your home computer logging through LMA VPN. The logging instructions are provided here:

EBSCO Publishing – database package. These are multidisciplinary databases where you can find articles from scientific, professional journals, and other publications.

  • Academic Search Ultimate
  • Business Source Ultimate
  • ERIC
  • GreenFILE
  • Health Source: Consumer Edition
  • Health Source: Nursing / Academic Edition
  • Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
  • MasterFILE Premier
  • Newspaper Source
  • Regional Business News

Internet address for home access:

Username and password ask at the Library or by e-mail:

Springer Journals – a database cover a wide range of subjects including biomedicine and the life sciences, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, human sciences, social sciences and economics.

Taylor & Francis – a database provides online access to the full text of Taylor & Francis Group Journals covering Arts & Humanities, Social, Behavioral, Physical and Environmental Sciences.

Emerald Engineering eJournals Collection – a database includes full-text journals in engineering science.

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