The internationality of studies at LMA is developed by carrying out international projects, encouraging lecturers and students to gain experience abroad, gain international experience in lecturer training programmes, attracting foreign students to study at LMA, conducting joint study programmes, and ensuring the required level of foreign language proficiency of lecturers.
The LMA community is a multicultural organization whose members successfully form a strong international academic community.
LMA’s strategy on internationality was approved on 31 May 2022.
LMA participates in the Erasmus+ programme since 2006. The successful implementation of the directions of internationality leads to the improvement of the overall quality of studies at LMA.
LMA’s strategy on internationality identifies three priority directions of internationality, and members of the LMA community are involved in helping to implement the activities of internationality. LMA’s international priorities and directions are to conduct international studies, and increase the scope of partnerships with foreign higher schools and companies, academic exchange, and projects. LMA is integrating factors of internationality into the content of studies and scientific activities: international study programmes have been launched, academic mobility activities of teachers and students are being implemented, international cooperation in research and experimental development (R&D) activities is increasing.
High-quality international studies, training highly qualified specialists of maritime transport industry. The increasing number of international students and lecturers in all fields of studies at LMA helps to increase the number of foreign partners and strengthen LMA’s international image at the same time.
Promotion of community spirit of strategic partnership. The strategic partnership community provides opportunities to create added value for LMA, achieve the best results by conducting high- level scientific research, participating in the activities of the LMA scientific society, and responding to changes in the economic, cultural, political and social environment. The quality of scientific
results and the need for new scientific research and discoveries encourage the LMA academic community to rally in conducting scientific research, and achieve the quality of scientific research together.
Promotion of academic exchange by increasing inclusion and diversity. LMA aims to increase the attraction of foreign students and give all students the opportunity to learn more about different cultures and enrich the content of their studies by providing an attractive study environment. This will ensure opportunities for training specialists to address the needs of the international market, and teach students to adapt to different cultural environments, which is one of the most important arguments for promoting the academic exchange.